Argyle Cottage, Campbell Park Pentwater, Michigan |  | Campbell Family of Argyle Cottage A Pictorial Guide
By Ted Lollis (geovisual at comcast.net) As posted April 22, 2014 |
N.B.: This web page has 17 parts: Part I - GAC, LMJC, Their Descendants & Spouses. Part II - Our Ancestors, Cousins & Family Friends.
Part III - Some Personal Sketches (8 on Campbell Side / 5 on Jameson Side).
Part IV - VIP's Related to Campbell Park.
Part V - Related Art Works.
Part VI - Related Books.
Part VII - Related Papers, Essays & Poems.
Part VIII - Related Periodicals.
Part IX - Related Events.
Part X - Related Houses & Buildings.
Part XI - Related Maps.
Part XII - Related Cemeteries.
Part XIII - Memorials Outside Cemeteries.
Part XIV - Related Genealogy Websites.
Part XV - Family Historians.
Part XVI - Selected Individuals.
Part XVII - Index of Existing Family History Web Pages.

This web page is about the family shown above. The family began in 1892 with the wedding in Des Moines, Iowa, of George Alexander Campbell (GAC) and Luna May Jameston (LMJ). George was born in Ontario, and May in Illinois. They met as students at Drake University when both were 18 years old.
The two family photos were made in St. Louis, Missouri, on Christmas Day 1937 (50 years after their meeting and 45 years after their wedding). By then, the family numbered 19 people: George and May (now 68 years old), five adult children, three sons-in-law, two daughters-in-law, and seven grandchildren.
Their names (from left to right in the dinner table photo) are Bob McCartney, Rosabelle Campbell McCartney, Ed Lollis (forehead only), Harriet May Campbell, Rachel Davis Campbell, Mary Whaley Campbell, Jane Campbell, Charlie McCartney, Joan Auer, Mary Evalyn Campbell Auer (MECA), Jim Auer, George Campbell II, Jean McCartney, Edward Jameson (Jamie) Campbell, May Campbell, George Campbell, Georgia May Campbell Lollis (GMCL) (my mother) & Ted Lollis (yours truly). Missing from the dining table photo is photographer Robert Alexander Campbell (RAC). Missing from the stairway photo is Charlie McCartney (who probably took the photo).
Part I - GAC, LMJC, Their Descendants & Spouses:
In 1907, George and nine other members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) founded a summer colony (Campbell Park) in Pentwater, Michigan, and he and May started building Argyle Cottage overlooking Lake Michigan. In 1948 and again in 1958, two of the five siblings (Rosabelle & Robert) left the cottage partnership, but descendants of other three siblings (Jamie, Georgia May & Mary Evalyn) are still involved, and "units of beneficial interest" in the family trust are currently owned by 17 different households residing in seven states (FL, IL, MA, MO, NH, OH and TN). Annual visits to the cottage and the work involved in its upkeep have keep members of the third and fourth generations in far closer contact than they might otherwise have been. |

Sometime around the turn of the 20thy century, May Jameson Campbell (LMJC) started recording the names and vital statistics of every family member with whom she and George had any contact or knowledge. In the 1920's, my mother (GMCL) started helping by typing May's records, and, when May died in 1940, GMCL took over the role of family scribe. In 1982, I inherited and digitized their records, and I have tried ever since -- with increasing difficulty -- to make note of every birth, death, marriage, divorce, and significant other.
On May 28-30, 2005, the family held a reunion in St. Louis, and in 2007 Campbell Park celebrated its centennial. Extensive souvenir books were created for both occasions. All branches of the Campbell family contributed photos and antedotes, and I printed 13 geneological charts. The extended family of 19 pictured above had grown to 178 men, woman & children. (This total includes18 dead but does not include the children of previous marrages of five spouses -- Kamman, Wulff, Schleichter, Chadwick & Haliburton-Cohen.) |

Part I of this web page shows only the 80 members of the family's first, second, third & fourth generations. For privacy reasons, I have NOT copied any informtion from the two books. All photos shown below are from my own files or from open sources on the internet. Of course I would welcome additional photos to make this record as complete as possible. (copy or click any image to see it full size) :
 Geo Alex Campbell 1869-1943 St.Louis Minister
 L. May Jameston Campbell 1869-1940 St.Louis Artist
-----------> 5 Children of GAC & LMJC +6 Spouses ----------->
|  Rosabelle Campbell 1894-1950 Minneapls Housewife
CharlesE McCartney 1893-1977 Minneapls Purina
|  GMC+ EJC+RC Campbell 1894-1991 Chicago
 EJ (Jamie) Campbell 1898-1946 St.Louis Manager
|  Mary Anielka Whaley 1899-1979 St.Louis
|  GMC Lollis 1901-1991 Indpolis Writer
|  Ed Lollis 1904-1995 Indpolis Lawyer
| | | |
 RobtAlex Campbell 1904-1986 Barrington Moodys
|  Rachel Davis 1904-1993 Barrington
|  ME Camp AuerWulff 1912-1999 St.Louis Artist
|  Jim Auer 1906-1952 Ladue Architect
|  George JL Wulff, Jr. 1909-1998 St.Louis Ob/Gyn
-----------> 2 Children of Rosabelle Campbell McCartney +2 Spouses ----------->
|  Jeanne McCartney Kamman 1925-2006
 Wally Kamman c1920-1995 Minneapls Photogrpr
|  Robt Camp McCartney 1930-1987 Minneapls Engineer
 JoanAlida Erickson McCartney c1930- Minneapls
| | | |
-----------> 3 Children of Edward Jameson Campbell +2 Spouses ----------->
|  HarrietMay Campbell Murphy 1923-2003 St.Louis
 Bud Murphy 1922-2000 St.Louis RealEstate
|  Jane Campbell Chandler 1927- Hill, NH
|  John Chandler + Jane 1926- Hill, NH Colonel
|  Geo Alex Camp II 1929-1948 WestPoint Cadet
| -----------> 1 Child of Georgia May Campbell Lollis +2 Spouses ----------->
|  Ted Lollis 1937- Knoxville FSO
|  Vivian Redding Lollis 1939-2014 Arlington ForestServ
|  Schera Chadwick 1947- Knoxville Biotech
| |
-----------> 2 Children of Robert Alexander Campbell +2 Spouses ----------->
|  Catherine Campbell +Margaret 1942- Cambridge Lawyer
 John Henn 1942- Cambridge Lawyer
|  Margaret Campbell +Catherine 1944- WashState
 Barry Sidel 1944- Mass.
| -----------> 3 Children of Mary Evalyn Campbell Auer +4 Spouses ----------->
|  Joan Auer Meroni 1935- Miami
|  Tommy Meroni 1933- Miami Insurance
|  Jim+CJ Auer 1943- Batavia Teacher
 CarolAnn JoyceAuer 1949- Batavia Principal
|  Camp Auer 1945- CasaGrnd Artist
|  Laurie Bye Auer 1947- Michigan
|  Kay Ben- nett Auer 1944- CasaGrnd Counselor
| | | |
-----------> 1 Child of Jeanne McCartney Kamman +1 Spouse ----------->
|  Kerry Kamman 1950- Plymouth
|  Kathy Lemke Kamman c1950-1999 Plymouth
| -----------> 3 Children of Bob McCartney (No spouse info) ----------->
|  Scott Mc- Cartney 1965-
|  Cheryl Mc- Cartney 1966-
|  Tom Mc- Cartney 1967-
| -----------> 9 Children of Harriet May Campbell Murphy +10 Spouses ----------->
|  Marge Murphy 1942- MdHeights Teacher
|  Jim Murphy 1947- Columbus Artist
|  Marti Vogt Murphy c1947- Missouri
|  Kim Haliburtn Murphy 1957- Columbus Lawyer
|  Katie Murphy 1951- St.Louis
|  Mike Dunn 1950- St.Louis
 T.G. Murphy 1953- VillaRidge Magician
|  Ann Millburg Murphy c1955- St.Louis
|  Bob Murphy 1955- Bridgeton
|  Cynthia Eber Murphy 1957- St.Louis
|  Gale France Murphy 1955- St.Louis
|  Larry Murphy 1957- HighRidge Carpets
|  ElkeThe- isinger Murphy 1957- St.Louis
|  Patti Murphy 1959- Missouri
|  Patrick Gallardo c1959- Missouri
|  Molly Murphy 1960- Kirkwood
|  Mike Lewis 1959- Kirkwood
|  John Murphy 1964- Missouri Floors
|  Anne Hardee Murphy 1958- Missouri
-----------> 3 Children of Jane Campbell Chandler +3 Spouses ----------->
|  MaryBeth Chandler Marder 1951- Hill,NH Librarian
|  Mark D. Marder 1951- Weston Consultant
|  Anne L. Chandler Holland 1954-
|  Jim Holland 1952-
|  Jean P. Chandler
Reeves 1959- Concord
|  Ken Reeves c1955- Concord Minister
| -----------> 1 Child of Ted Lollis +1 Spouse ----------->
|  Cynthia Lollis Deiss 1968- Atlanta Prof Art
|  Alex Deiss 1975- Atlanta Bosch
| -----------> 1 Child of Catherine Campbell Henn ----------->
|  Jamie Henn 1984- SF,CA Activist
-----------> 3 Children of Joan Auer Meroni +2 Spouses ----------->
|  George Meroni +Martha 1957- KyLargo Insurance
 Martha Meroni 1958- Key Largo
 Jimmy Meroni 1958-1976 Miami
 Robert Bruce Meroni 1960- Florida Teacher
 Cheryle Brook Meroni 1956- Florida Executive
| -----------> 3 Children of Jim Auer +3 Spouses ----------->
|  Cat Auer 1976- Hollywd Editor
 Edmond Shipp c1975- Hollywd Analyst
|  Tina Auer 1976- Illinois
|  Mike Strzelczyk Auer 1974- Illinois
|  Jamie Auer 1980- WashDC Biologist
 Paul Wm Livermore Auer 1979- WashDC CensusBur
| | | | | | |
Part II - Our Ancestors, Cousins & Family Friends:
George Campbell was the youngest of ten siblings, and May Jameson was the oldest of four sisters. So the family has always had lots of aunts, uncles & cousins. Here is a family tree naming their four parents & eight grandparents (note that George's parents & four grandparents were all born in Scotland & died in Canada):
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Malcolm Isabel Archibald Isabel Max.Har. Sarah James Mary
b.1787 Sc b.1784 Sc b.1795 Sc b.1796 Sc b.1815 KY b.1818 KY b.1821 IN b.1831 IN
d.1862 ON d.1841 ON d.1884 ON d.1867 ON d.1884 IL d.1894 IL d.1883 FL d.1907 IL
------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
Peter Isabel Robert Bruce Rosa Melinda
b.1819 Scotland b.1824 Scotland b.1841 KY BowlingGr b.1849 IN Wabash
d.1915 MB PortageLP d.1917 MB PortageLP d.1900 IA DesMoines d.1908 IA DesMoines
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
George Alexander Luna May (May)
b.1869 ON Kent County Morpeth farm b.1869 IL Henry County Galva farm
d.1943 MI Oceana County Pentwater cottage d.1940 MO St.Louis hospital
Rosabelle Edward Jameson Georgia May RobertAlexander Mary Evalyn
b.1894 Kansas b.1898 Chicago b.1901 Chicago b.1904 Chicago b.1912 Hannibal
d.1950 Arizona d.1946 St.Louis d.1991 Indiana d.1987 Illinois d.1999 Miami
Every pair on the tree had many siblings and other descendants, and of course there are many, many living descendants of even earlier generations. George, May, and their five adult children kept up with their far-flung cousins remarkably well. And I have tried to maintain this tradition by visiting or corresponding with living cousins in five provinces (AL, BC, MB, ON and SK), at least fourteen states (CA, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, NJ, NM, NY, OR, PA, WA and WV), DC, and Scotland (plus historic sites in KS, KY, MI and WV).
Displayed below are photos and internet links of 102 cousins and ancestors for whom I have found publicly available information. I have included (and indicated by underlining their names) a few folks who are not blood relatives but who have, for one reason or another, taken an interest in our family history and contributed to our common knowledge.
I have also included seven sucessive Dukes of Argyll (7th through 13th), not that I put any particular store on the so-called Clan Campbell and its Chief, but they do draw the interest of some Argyle Cottage descendants, the Clan and Dukedom are institutions without end, and several of us in different generations have actually sought to meet the
Duke, visited his castle in Inverary, and/or joined the Clan Campbell Society in North America. |

 | |
 John Campbell 1777-1847 Inverary 7thDuke
 Dugald Sinclair 1777-1870 Lobo,ON Minister
|  Jonas Gaar 1793-1875 Richmond Threshers
|  JohnEccles Murphy 1806-1876 Oregon Abolition
|  Jonathan Carver 1806-1888 LaFayette Farmer
 Neil Campbell 1808-1880 Howard Miller
|  Abram Gaar 1819-1894 Richmond Threshers
|  Peter Campbell 1819-1915 PortageLP Farmer
|  George Campbell 1823-1900 Inverary 8thDuke
 Isabel McLarty Campbell 1824-1917 PortageLP
|  Catherine 1827-1913
 Mary Carver Ingels 1831-1907 LaFayette
 Hugh McDiarmid 1837-1901 Hiram,OH Col Pres
| | | | | |
 John Campbell 1845-1914 Inverary 9thDuke
 Isaac Campbell 1853-1929 Winnipeg Solicitor
 Irvin Ingels 1859-1932 LaFayette Nursery
 John Campbell 1860-1947 Furnace 1925guide
|  Louis+Mary DeGuibert 1860-1932 PubLndg
 MaryIngls DeGuibert 1862-1932 PubLndg Artist
|  FloJenCam McVicor 1866-1900 PortageLP
|  Chas.Fitch Lester 1868-1938 FreeAcres Artist
|  R. Bruce Jameson 1841-1900 D.Moines Builder
|  Archibald Campbell 1845-1913 Toronto Miller
 Mirette Burk Campbell 1845-1924 Toronto
 Rosa Melinda Ingels Jameson 1849-1908 D.Moines
 Margaret Campbell Hamilton 1851-1909
 Charles Otis Carter 1869-1943 IA/MD/FL Editor
 Charles Noyes Kinney 1869-1963 D.Moines ProfChem
| | | | | | | | | |
 CN+Golda Kinney 1869-1963 D.Moines
|  C.N. Kinneys 1869-1996 D.Moines ProfChem
 Eva Jameson Carter 1870-1936
|  E.S. Ames 1870-1958 Chicago Prof Phil DDH #3
|  FloraMaude Campbell Stone 1872-1969 Chatham
 Niall Campbell 1873-1949 Inverary 10thDuke
 Golda Jameson Kinney 1873-1958 D.Moines
 Clara Meltzer Auer 1874-1956 Doctor
 John Auer 1875-1948 St.Louis Prof Med
 Mabel Campbell Wallbridge 1878-1969 Edmonton
 Undena DeGuibert Eberlein 1881-1937 FreeAcres Actress
 Pauline Jameson 1882-1950 D.Moines
 Davida DeGuibert Lester 1885-1947 FreeAcres Model
 Bernadotte Everly Schmitt 1886-1969 Alexandria Pulitzer
| | | | | | | | | | |
 Mazie Ingels 1888-1959 Kokomo Teacher
 Errett C. Hamilton 1890-1974 Winnipeg Druggist
|  Cleta Campbell Whitehead w/Ted Lollis 1893-1999 CA/MI/MD
 Milton DeGuibert 1895-1921 Iowa Salesman
|  Lowell Jameson Carter 1895-1952 Elma,IA Dentist
 Midred Simpson Carter 1895-1953 Cresco,IA
 E+L+M Carter 1895-1963 IA/MD/OR
|  D. L. Campbell 1895-1995 Winnipeg Premier
 Minnie Burley 1897-1978 Islington FamHist
|  Van Meter & Betty Ames 1898-2002 Cincinnati Prof Phil
|  Bess White LouisCochran 1899-1974 Nashville Writers
|  Charlotte (Chatty) Martin 1899-1989 Furnace
|  Adlai Stevenson 1900-1965 New York Statesman
| | | | | |
 Emily Campbell Price 1901-1982 Vancouver FamHist
|  Ian Campbell 1903-1973 Inverary 11thDuke

Merlin Ingels Carter 1904-1963 Eugene Colonel
|  Margaret Urquhuart c1904- c1987 Furnace
|  ElizLouise Stone Howell 1905-1972 St.Catherines

Betty Eberlein Brown 1905-1982 FreeAcres Birdlover
|  Polly Scribner Ames 1908-1993 Chicago Artist
 Roxane Eberlein 1910-1989 Wash, DC StateDept
 Janey Eberlein Hall 1911-1982 FreeAcres Artist
 Jean Wallbridge 1912-1979 Edmonton Architect
|  Harold J Owens 1916-2006 Portage Farmer
|  Mac+Marj McCormack 1918-2003 Rochester,NY PlasSurgeon
 JohnButler Pratt 1920-2004 Elm Flats B17gunner
|  Gaar Austin Ingels 1922-2013 Beaverton Nursery
| | | | | | |
 Bill+Yvon Read 1926-2012 Windsor BellCanada
|  Kay Carter Finch 1926- Elma, IA
 Dorotha Ingels 1927-2010 LaFayette Housewife
|  Jack McKeag 1928-2007 Winnipeg Realtor
|  Bob Smith 1928- Auchindrain Curator
|  Douglas Argyle Campbell 1929-c2007 BvrlyHills Broker
|  John Spencer Howell 1929- Savannah Pfizer
 Warren Bell Hamilton 1929- Golden Geologist
|  Jock Ingels 1930-1998 LaFayette Prairies
|  Jack Balmer 1931-2008 Vancouver Dentist
 Dilly+Sonya Campbell 1934- Winnipeg
|  Bruce Jameson Carter 1935-2013 Charleston HospAdm
|  Laurel Hessing 1936- FreeAcres Historian
| | | |
 Roger W Ingels 1936- Galva, IL Nursery
|  Ian Campbell 1937-2001 Inverary 12thDuke
 MargOsb Eberle 1937- Highgate Library
|  Sanford Ames 1938- Cincinnati Prof Fr
 Chris Benninger 1942- Pune Architect
 Aneeta Gokhale c1942- Pune Planner
 Oriana Ingels Green 1942- Seattle New Age
|  Judi Wallbridge McRae 1945- Lakewood USArmy
|  Colin+Gail Campbell 1951- Saskatoon Equipment
|  Barbara Elwood Tuinstra 1952- Cheyene FamHist
|  John Spencer Howell,Jr 1953- Naples FamHist
|  Ken+Sue McLarty 1953- Ridgetown Farmers
 Randy Campbell 1954- Blenheim Farmer
| | | | | |
Part III - Some Personal Sketches:
I compiled this entire web page before I realized that Parts I and II are pretty sterile. Mug shots and dates do not make family history come alive. Part III is intended to correct this lapse, at least in part.
Here are thirteen personal sketches of a just a few of the cousins it's been my privilege to meet along the way and whose company I have throughly enjoyed (quite apart from any new family history we have been able to find and record -- that that has been considerable). These people lived (or still live) in eight states (CA, IA, IL, MD, NJ, NY, OR & WV), two provinces (MB & ON), and Scotland. Most did not know each other, and I somehow feel obliged to bring them together, if only on a web page. I sincerlely hope that you enjoy meeting them. I only wish that that we could all meet in person.
Eight of the cousins presented below are from the Campbell side of the family tree, and five are from the Jameson side:
Campbell Side
(Including Green, Hamilton, McLarty, McMillan, McTavish/Thompson, Sinclair, Smith)
 Silver Spring Maryland
| Cleta Hope Campbell Whitehead [1893-1999], Columbia, Maryland, USA Seems to have been present at every stage of our family's history.
Born in Yakima, WA. Lived for a while in Manitoba. Married Gil Whitehead in 1923 in Los Angeles. Lived there during WW-II (when she took in my first cousin Harriet May Campbell Murphy while her husband Bud was in the Pacific theater). Corresponded extensively with my mother (GMCL). Her father Ed was GAC's brother and a widower 1942-1954. He visited Pentwater repeatedly, and I remember when the old man cut a path across our lot to connect the two Ames cottages more directly. Cleta's daughter Virginia Hope died in 1963, and Gil died in 1980. Cleta lived with her grand daughter Bonnie Hope Mattingly in Skaneateles, NY, and Columbia, MD. Schera & I met her there. We took her to McDonalds, and she told stories about things that happened "when there weren't any cars." She showed us her diary proving that I met her twice in Riverdale, MD, in 1963 (once with all four members of the Campbell family from Barrington, IL). The photo shows Cleta and me in her nursing home in Silver Spring, MD, on her 105th birthday. We had a wake for Cleta in the Baltimore apartment of Bonnie and Charles (Tot) Woolston (same building as Richey Sharrett who was my best man in Louisiana). The wake was attended by Cleta's other grand daughter and by Justin Bloom who grew up next door to Cleta in LA and whom I'd known at the US Embassy in London, England. Cleta's obituary in the Yakima Herald-Republic quoted Janet Nelson Campbell, widow of James Malcolm Campbell [1925-1996], as saying "She was like the core of the family that held everything together." In 1993, Janet had organized a "four hearts" reunion in Yakima for Cleta, Douglas Lloyd Campbell of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Ralph Peter Campbell of Wapato, WA, and Mary Evalyn Campbell Auer Wulff of Miami, FL.

 Smith-Pratt Prospect New York
| John Butler Pratt [1920-2004], Elm Flats Road, Hinckley, New York, USA After visiting Canada and Scotland, I still didn't know why our Campbell ancestors emigrated to upstate New York in 1821. One day in 1998 I happened to read "Map and Information [c.1954] from George P. Smith [1883-1972]" on page 48 of "The Campbells from Auchindrain" (1970), and George's note for spot 5 said "Duncan and Isabel (Leitch) Smith settled here in 1822...house occupied by John Pratt...; most of the [former farmland is now] planted in pine." I Googled John's
name and dialed the resulting phone number. He answered, simple as that. We agreed to meet 2-3 weeks later at a restaurant in one of the small towns near his home. When we got in the vicinity, Schera and I had time to kill, so we drove around and noticed a rural Unitarian church. As we admired it, a gentleman (wearing a WW-II air corps cap) walked over and asked if we'd like to see the interior of the 1817 building. That was John. Afer lunch, we drove to his home near Hinckley (site of the reservoir sited higher than the Erie Canal so it can feed canal water to flow in both directions). John showed me a shoe box labeled "Old Letters." He didn't know any of their authors or addressees. I knew many including Isaac Campbell [1853-1929] of Ontario and later Manitoba. The best of the lot was a letter addressed to Scotland in 1812 but never sent because the War of 1812 unexpectedly interrupted mail service. Thus I learned why the two Campbell families moved to Herkimer County, NY, in 1821. Their Smith siblings were mailing positive reports back to Scotland, but they had to wait until after the war before they could follow the Smiths to America. I transcribed and put the texts of many letters on my first family history web page. John's wife Mary died in 1991. John already had his name (and WW-II rank) engraved on their "Smith Pratt" tombstone in nearby Prospect, NY (see image). When we knew him, he was luckly enough to share his life with widow Laura Sawyer. John collected miniature steam engines. He had a photo showing cows grazing next to the house in what is now pine forest. When we drove the NY Thruway en route to Washington state in 2001, we phoned John and Laura repeatedly, but their line didn't answer, so we passed by. Later we learned that they had been seriously injured by running off a mountain road at night. In March 2014, I discovered that John wrote his own obituary and that someone (perhaps his only son David) posted it to the Find A Grave website after he died in 2004. I hope David has the priceless "Old Letters." But, even if he doesn't, I'm proud to have saved the texts of many.
|  Unitarian Church Barneveld, NY Dedicated 1817 Hinckley, NY
 Bob Smith Scotland Old photo of ladies washing near building S given to Ted by Bob Smith
| Bob Smith [1928-], Linlithgow, Scotland Bob was the curator of Open Air Museum in Auchindrain, Scotland, and I met him September 6, 1982, the moment I first entered Auchindrain on my first trip to Scotland very shortly after moving to London. I have never met a more enthusiastic interpreter of local history, and almost everying I ever learned about Scotland at the time our ancestors' emmigration (the decades of 1820-1830), I learned from Bob. (Bob did not like any of the Dukes of Argyll, and he described a class division which probably helps explain why our ancestors moved to America -- and which probably still determines why the Duke's elegant castle and the "folk life" museum are competitive rather than complementary tourist attractions today). Bob took a great interest in my story involving letters in 1884, my grandparents' visit in 1925, and their being shown by cousin John Campbell [1860-1947] from Furnace "the seat of the Campbells" (now Auchindrain's ruinous "building S"). The day after our meeting, I drove fourth cousin Margaret Urquhart [c.1904-c.1987] up from Furnace, and Bob took us on a complete tour of
Auchindrain which I dutifully tape recorded (including bleets of a goat as we three stood on the walls of Building S). For all three years that I lived in London, Bob and I exchanged emails and letters. In the Spring of 1985, Vivian and I accompanied Mary Evalyn and George Wulff to Scotland, and Bob gave them a tour of Auchindrain. (For ME this was a repeat of the visit she had made with her parents 65 years before.) When Schera and I visited Scotland in October 2000, we made certain to visit Bob and his wife ___, by then retired to a council flat in Linlithgow (on the Motorway between Edinburgh and Glasgow). The four of us walked from the flat around Linlithgow Castle to their favorite Italian restaurant. Bob still did not have email, and I lost touch with him in later years. Of course I've Googled his name, but all I've learned is that he was a life long fisherman and the author of a book "There's Always a First Fish." |  Auchindrain postcard as purchased in 1925
 Photos taken July 11, 1925 by LMJC Now in Argyle Cottage Pentwater, MI

 Douglas Argyle Campbell
|  Douglas Argyle Campbell [1929-c.2007], Beverley Hills, California, USA On November 5, 1966, my mother (GMCL) and father in Indiana were awakened by a late night phone call from New York City. This was Douglas Argyle Campbell starting an adventure which kept my parents, then me, guessing for 48 years -- until I started writing this web page in March 2014. Doug was born in Canada and was working for a securities firm in Montreal when his father died in 1950 leaving him the remainer of the fortune amased by his grandfather, Toronto miller (and senator) Archibald Campbell [1845-1913]. The first thing Doug did with his money was travel around the world and the second was enter Columbia University's graduate school. At Columbia, Doug advertised for an tutor in economics and hired Reynold M. Sachs who became a professional adviser and friend for the rest of his life -- and would become my informant in March 2014. At some point, Doug assumed that his surname would connect him to the Duke of Argyll and thence to British aristocracy, and he started hiring genelogists to prove the connecction. His quest led to Emily Campbell Price [1901-1982] in Vancouver, British Columbia, and in 1970 to her publication of "The Campbells from Auchindrain" (which is of course about as far down the Campbell pecking order as you can go). Doug, GMCL, and Emily exchanged family information for years, but he also mailed self-inflating publicity about his brokerage firm (from which I scanned his image). I met Doug only once. He showed up unannounced one Sunday morning in Bordeaux and demanded that I drive him (in my US government provided armored Opel) to the most expensive restaurant in town. In March 2002, Schera and I drove to his home at 1150 Brooklawn Drive in Beverley Hills, California, but we could not talk our way past his "housekeeper" Lupe Lopez. On March 21, 2014, I left a phone message at the Erich & Hannah Sachs Foundation in Yountville, Sonoma Valley, California and received long return phone calls first from Reynold and then from his daughter Caryn P. Sachs. They explained that Doug's sister had come to California (from a Buddhist nunnery in Korea), gained legal authority to dispose of his considerable property, and put him in a nursing home where he died unknowing and alone (Caryn estimates) sometime in 2007. Reynold and Caryn knew Doug far longer and better than I, but we share the same appreciation both of his egocentricism and of his generosity and uninhibited charm. Reynold told me about Doug's spending millions to construct a huge "Campbell Divertimento Fountain" designed by Mexican architect Luis Barragán [1902-1988] in the back yard of his home in home in Beverley Hills. I have created a new web page about Doug which you can access by clicking here. |  Campbell Mills Toronto Junction Ontario Campbell Divertimento Fountain 1150 Brook- lawn Drive Beverley Hills California

 Winnipeg, MB | Sonya Campbell Wright [1934-], Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Daughter of
Douglas Lloyd Campbell [1895-1995], Manitoba premier [1948-1958], and wife of Walter Scott Wright, Manitoba judge [1973-2004]. Vivian and I met Sonya and Scott in London, and Sonya accompanied her father to my parents' 50th wedding anniversary in Indiana in 1983. Douglas' father John Howard Campbell [1852-1930] homesteaded the "Flee Island" farm north of Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, in 1880. Doug grew up and entered politics there before moving to Winnipeg and achieving higher office. In 1980, Sonya organized a centennial reunion and drew a large chart to show Flee Island descendants. In 1993, she helped Janet Elise (Jan) Nelson Campbell (age 66) organize a "Four Hearts" reunion in Yakima, Washington, which honored four Campbell cousins -- Cleta Campbell Whitehead [b.1893], Douglas Lloyd Campbell [b.1895], Ralph Campbell [b.1901], and Mary Evalyn Campbell Auer Wulff [b.1912]. In 1995, she was helping organize a series of semi-public events for her father's 100th birthday, but he died just 34 days short of that goal, and the events were called off. Schera and I drove to Manitoba in 1998 and stayed several days with Sonya and Scott at their "farm" on a ridge with a view of endless plains near Neepawa in western Manitoba. A couple of years later, they drove to Pentwater, Michigan, and stayed with us in Argyle, our cottage with a view of the Fresh Water Sea. The image shows Sonya on the right and her sister Dwili Lynn (Dilly) Campbell Burns on the left. They have a large extended family in Winnipeg. Douglas and his wife Margret Gladys Victoria Crampton Campbell [1897-1987] are buried in the Ogletree Tract of Hillside Cemetery in Portage La Prairie, alongside many of our Campbell ancestors. |
 Campbell House Flee Island Manitoba Moved to FtLaReine (outdoor museum) Portage La Prairie
 Douglas Campbell Lodge & Gladys Crampton Campbell Memorial Garden Portage La Prairie
| |
| Gerald Archibald (Gere) Gillespie [1937-2001], RR#1, Highgate, Ontario, Canada Somewhere I heard about Margret Isabel (Marg) Osborne Eberle, the librarian in the small Ontario town of Highgate, so I drove to Highgate and found her at home on a farm a few miles south. Marge was very much into family history, but her home was chaotic with her husband Jack, adult children, and grandchildren all seeming to be coming and going on different schedules. A calm presence among them was Jack Gillespie whose exact relationship to the Eberle household I could not figure out (and never did figure out). But, over several visits, Jack and I became fast friends. Jere's mother was Isabel Campbell
Gillespie [1907-1984]. He had three former wives, three adult children, and six grandchildren (about whom I hardly ever learned anything). Why he lived in a small wing of the Eberle house I feared to ask why (so I never did). But Campbell history was Jere's forte, and we exchanged many emails over the years before his death at age 64. Jere was my foremost source of information about the geography of Kent County, and he had collected letters to and from Emile Campbell Price in Vancouver, BC. When I learned that Dr. James R. Button could show us the site of the Campbell mill at Klondyke just north of Morpeth, Jere accompanied us when we walked into the forest which now covers the remaining portion of the former mill dam and descended to see some chared timbers in the stream bed which Dr. Button said were remains of the mill itself. During our hike, Jere froze and pointed to a raccoon high in a tree which he'd spotted but I would never have seen. Jere seemed not ever to have heard of lower case, AND ALL OF HIS EMAILS LOOKED LIKE THIS. I entered everything he told me into my computerized database, but I never truly syntheized the multi-generation story of Campbells in Kent County. Someday I'm going to have to go through my Gillespie files and learn the full story. | 
 Marg Osborne Eberle Highgate, ON
 Randy Campbell Campbell Line Blenheim, ON
| Donald Randy Campbell [1954-] 10639 Campbell Line, Blenheim, Ontario, Canada The families of two brothers, Peter Campbell [1775-1848] and Malcolm Campbell [1787-1862], emigrated from South Knapdale, Scotland, first in 1821 to Herkimer County, New York, and then in 1830 to southern Kent County, Ontario. Peter found land near Blenheim, and Malcolm found land near Morpeth (close enough, I imagine, to remain in touch more or less on a weekly basis). Most of Malcolm's descendants have left Kent County. Many of Peter's have stayed. I am a 2x great grandson of Malcolm, my blood line moved to Manitoba, then Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana. Randy is a 3x great grandson of Peter. His blood line has remained in Kent County for five generations. He works the same land and is still pursuing some aspect of dairy farming. Please forgive my city attitudes, but I find visiting Randy is like stepping back five generations. Cow milk became unprofitable a generation ago (as witnessed by empty barns all around Randy's farm), and Randy has had to work for a car dealership in
Ridgetown to make ends meet. About ten years ago, he and his wife Carrie bought a herd of alpacas, and they infected Schera and me so much with their enthusiasm that she and I drove all the way to Ohio to attend an alpaca show and sale. Alpacas didn't turn out to be such a good investment, their bank foreclosed, and Randy feared that he would loose his ancestral land. When we visited him in August 2012, Carrie still had a few alpacas, but Randy had a new herd of goats which he milks twice day sending the milk to a cooperative dozens of miles away for fabrication into cheese. Randy gave us two bricks of goat cheese. Remarkably good. Better than anything we've been able to buy in stores. (His farhouse was surrounded by wild turkeys which, according to Randy, and been introduced a few years ago by a wildlife management agency and are now thriving.) I photographed Randy pointing to a prize ancestoral photo. This must be Robina Munro Campbell [1856-1919], his great grandmother, but I'll have to contact Randy to find out for sure. |  Trilium Alpacas Randy's goats

 Pet Spa Pennington New Jersey
| Julie Anderson Kalwa [1965-], Pennington, New Jersey, USA Juli emailed me on July 15, 1999. That's the benefit of having a website (of which I'm a BIG fan) and of using social media (which I've simply never gotten into). Schera and I just happened to be living 20.1 Google road miles from her home in Pennington, NJ. So we drove there 22 days later to meet Juli and her mother, Helen Johnson Laidlaw
Anderson, who was born in Dunoon (44.3 road miles from Auchindrain) and provides Juli with many living cousins and contacts in Scotland (whom they regularly visit). Juli susequently fed me volumes of information about our common ancestors in ancient Scotland. Juli's father met her mother when he was in the US Navy and assigned to the Holy Loch submarine base. They married on Mackinaw Island, MI, in 1964, and Juli was born in St. Paul, MN, in 1965. She married Andrzej Krystof (Andrew) Kalwa (of Polish origin), and they now have a pet grooming business (Pet Spa) in Pennington. Pet Spa business. Juli drove down to Doylestown, Pennsylvania, to meet John Pratt & Laura Sawyer when they were our house guests. I took a photo of John and Juli together, but I cannot find it right now. So the photo shown here is a pet from Juli's Facebook page. How else could I work an adorable kitten onto this family history web page? |  Highland Mary Dunoon
 Holy Loch
Jameson Side
(Including Carter, Carver, De Guibert, Gaar, Ingels, Kinney, Murphy)
 Roger Ingels w/certificates
 Irvin Ingels [1859-1932]
 Irvin & Mary (at top) +Rosa, Sherman, John & Eliza
| Roger W. Ingels [1936-], Galva, Illinois, USA On Saturday afternoon, October 21, 1995, Schera and I drove into the tiny main square of LaFayette, Illinois. This had been the nest of my Ingels ancestors for 141 years. What we found were deserted streets and 4-5 empty store fronts. Clearly, all commercial llife had been sucked out of LaFayette (by a nearby Walmart?). On one side of the square was a lonely sign with an arrow pointing north and the words "To the Nursery." We followed the arrow and soon came across a cluster of buildings, one of which enclosed a small retail store with a single employee behind the counter. We exchanged introductions. The employee was Roger W. Ingels (age 59), the first human being we'd seen since coming to town. As soon as he learned who we were, Roger rushed to a wall where he proudly showed us photos of four generations of Ingels men, including his great grandfather James Ingels [1821-1883] who came from eastern Indiana and bought the land in 1854 and his grandfather Irvin Ingels [1859-1932] who started LaFayette Home Nursery in 1887. (Both of these ancestors met violent out-of-state deaths. James went deer (crocodile?) hunting in Florida and accidentally shot himself while trying to climb over a fence with his loaded rifle. Irvin was driving to visit his sister Mary Ingels De Guibert [1862-1932] in Maryland when his car crashed near Columbus, Ohio.) I have a letter which Roger's uncle James Ingels [1884-1973] mailed to my mother (GMCL) in 1944 along with a copy of the nursery's 58th annual catalog. I was stunned to be standing in the bosom of this old family enterprise. Roger was working, and we didn't find much to say to each other, but he led us to the LaFayette Cemetery to see the family graves. We took our leave of him there, but I kept in close contact with Roger for the next decade. And I followed the nursery's website. The nursery was trying, with seeming success, to specialize in native grasses and prairie restoration. The family was also trying to find someone to manage the greenhouse (and I tried to interest my first cousin Margaret Campbell). Then all went dark. The nursery and greenhouse suddenly disappeared from cyberview. Apparent victims of big corporations. I am no longer in touch with Roger, his wife Nancy (a realtor in Galva, IL), or any other Ingels in Illinois, and I wonder what happened to the fine Ingels home, the nursery grounds, and the adjoining greenhouse. Main Street, Lafayette, sketch by Roger's nephew, Eric Sinclair Ingels, showing former businesses & plank walk |
 LaFayette, IL
 Former Bank
 LaFayette Home Nursery
 Ingels Home 1866-1949
 Austin Ingels From Oriana's New Age Website
| Gaar Austin Ingels [1922-2013], Beaverton, Oregon, USA
Gaar is an old family name from Richmond, Indiana, where the family manufactured steam engines and threshing machines 1842-1911 and where the 1876 Gaar Mansion is a primary tourist attraction. (Austin's great great grandmother was Rosa Gaar [1803-1877].) But my friend Austin went by his middle name. He grew up in LaFayette, Illinois, and was very much part of his family's nursery business. /// My first contact with Austin was an email he sent me unexpectedly on February 14, 1998. Our subsequent correspondence resutled in a thick file of email messages, photos, and photocopies which Austin sent me about the Ingels and Gaar families. I suppose the files would explain why Austin moved to Oregon. I do not need the files to recall Austin's impatience with my repeated misspelling of the work "nursery." Austin sent me "My Memories of the Ingels Family" by Golda Pauline Ingels Osterberg [1891-1986] which I helped Barb Elwood Tuinstra put on-line. (Golda's granddaughter, Nora Lee Campbell of Indianapolis, IN, also sent me Golda's "Memories," and I kick myself for never going to meet Nora.) In 2001, when Schera and I finally did visit Austin at his garden apartment in a suburb of Portland, Oregon (near Nike headquarters), it was largely a social occasion, and we went out to dinner together. Austin complained about the pain he was suffereing from a rare skin disease, and he told us about his girl friend, but we did not meet her. Nor did we ever meet Austin's only child born in 1948 and then living in Seattle. Her originial name was Candice Ingels, but she changed it to Oriana Green. Oriana created a web site for her father which is no longer on-line but used to contain interesting tid-bits and family information. Alas, I did not learn about Austin's death until I Googled his name in March 2014. The photo is from his on-line obituary which had been published in The Oregonian on August 2, 2013. |  Gaar tractor
 Gaar-Scott & Co. Tiger Thresher Line Richmond Indiana U.S.A.

 Bruce Jameson Carter
 Schera saying goodby to Bruce Aug. 24, 2012
Bruce Jameson Carter [1935-2013], Coopers Creek Road, Big Chimney, West Virginia, USA Bruce wrote me on May 19, 1998, and we met three months later in Jamestown, New York, at a reunion of Lowell and Mildred Carter descendants. Returning from a trip to the West, we had LMJC's newly reacquired photo albums with us in our van, and seven of us (including Bruce, his three older sisters, and niece Barb Elwood) poured through the family photos she had collected in the early 20th century. /// Bruce was born in Elma, Iowa (seven miles from nearest paved road), the little brother of Marjorie, Barbara, and Kathryn. He had polio at age 7. His father, a dentist, died when he was 17. The very next year (1953), an auto accident killed their mother and grandmother and made Bruce lame for the rest of his life. He attended Drake and Cornell Universities, became a hospital administrator, married Annette Gabrielle MacMillan (a French Canadian), and had three children -- Sue, Chris, and Nancy. His profession took him to Charleston, West Virginia, and they lived north of the city on a winding mountain road where Nancy could have horses. /// Bruce was named for our common great grandfather Robert Bruce Jameson [1841-1900], the Ingels son-in-law who was picked in 1883 to fetch the body of James Ingels [1821-1883] from Florida. (I have his account of this adventure by train and boat, but I've never transcribed it.) Bruce Jameson and Rosa Melinda Ingels had four daughters. The oldest (LMJC) was my grandmother. The next oldest -- Bruce's grandmother Eva Lena Jameson [1870-1936] -- married Charles Otis Carter [1869-1943], a newspaper editor. One of his schemes (an editorship?) took the family from Iowa to the Eastern Shore of Maryland where they acquired a colonial house (Winchester) four miles from Berlin and frequently visited Mary and Louis De Guibert in Public Landing (20.2 road miles south of Berlin). After having three sons -- Lowell Jameson Carter, Elledge Houston Carter, and Merlin Ingels (Nick) Carter -- Otis and Eva separated. She moved to Des Moines, Iowa, to be near her sisters and to work as a seamstress. He married Nettie C. Dean of Ridgely, Maryland (14 years younger than Eva), dabbled in politics, and operated small hotels, first in Ocean City and then in Daytona Beach, Florida, where he wrote Lowell in 1942 that "we are not making expenses [and] Nettie is getting to be more of a she devil every day" (click here for the text of his sad letter). Elledge owned laundromats in Florida. Lowell went to Drake and became a small town dentist in Iowa. Merlin joined the army and retired as Professor of Military Science & Tactics in Eugene, Oregon. Merlin was also one of two family historians in frequent contact with my mother (GMCL), the other being Errett Hamilton on the Campbell side of the family tree. Someone has made a Find A Grave page for Bruce and posted his obituary there. |  Eva Jameson Carter
 Lowell (center) Elledge & Merlin
 Hessing Family Free Acres, NJ
| Laurel Hessing [1936-], 43 Appletree Row, FreeAcres, New Jersey, USA Image a cheap cabin built in 1921 around which large trees had grown and which no one had entered since its last inhabitant died in 19___. Then, in July 1993, a descendant (architect Chris Benninger), by now living in India, finally gets around to cleaning out the place and find a wall of metal bread boxes containing a stache of family papers going back to 1878. (For three generations Mary Ingels De Guibert, Undena De Guibert Eberlein, and three Eberlein sisters seem to have saved about every letter they ever exchanged and even brought their papers from Illinois and Maryland to the "little cabin" in New Jersey.) Very, very fortunately, Chris made the papers availabe to neighbors Laurel Hessing and Sylvia Heerens, and, as they dipped into the stache, they got more and more intrigued. First, here were revelations about neighbors they had known but not deeply. Secondly, here were diaries and confesisons by people in far away places (rural Illinois, the Eastern shore of Maryland, the vaudeville circuit, Switzerland during World War II). The more they read, the more Laurel and Sylvia came to know a score of family members more or less intimately. I'll never know why they did what they did next, but they started transcribing the stache into a manuscript which took hours and hours of painstaking work and which eventually (by 1999) totaled 329 two-column pages. We are all richer for what they did. They called the result "Treasures of the Little Cabin, A Free Acres Cabin tells the Story of Those who Loved it and Sought its Shelter" (TOTLC), and the whole thing is available simply by clicking here on the website of the Center for Jewish History (CJH) in New York City. Imagine! My family history typed by two Jewish ladies and put on-line by the Center for Jewish History! The moment I heard about this project, I phoned Laurel, and she's been 200% cooperative with me every since. I immediately found photos in LMJC's album (which I'd reacquired in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1998) which back up one part of the story in TOTLC. In 2012, my cousins Jim and CJ Auer traveled to Maryland, and they backed up even more of the story. I made three web pages (available here) to supplement and (I hope) clarify TOTLC. In March 2014, I "found" seven more letters among my mother's papers and made them part of a fourth web page (available here). All together, this is a family history bonanza of the first magnitude. Read and enjoy. FYI, Laurel is married to Sigmar (Shlomo) HessingFree Acres, an intentional community founded in 1910 by Bolton Hall [1854-1938]. Schera and I have an affinity with "Free Acreites" having candidated and joined Bryn Gweled, another intentional community in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, only 57.3 road miles from Free Acres. |  Little Cabin 58 Appletree 1938 photo
 TOTLC 1999
 Jen James Des Moines, IA
| Jennifer Irsfeld (Jen) James [1972-], 1056-26th Street, Des Moines, Iowa, USA Jen emailed me in 2000 to say that she'd found my name (and email address) on a family history print-out in the window box of a house she'd bought in Des Moines, Iowa. Wow! It took several emails to determine how this happened. It seems that several years before, I'd phoned the home of Charles and Golda Kinney (who died in 1958 and 1963) at 1318-27th Street just to see if anyone still lived there, and the housekeeper told me that their daughter in-law, Edith Alberta Wallis Kinney [1899-2000], still occupied the house (now surrounded by the campus of Drake University). I printed some charts to show how we were related and mailed them to Des Moines, and somebody stuffed them into the window box. The old lady had life estate to the house but finally died (age 101) on April 23, 2000, Drake University immediately sold off the house's hardwood flooring and valuable mouldings and then offered the remainder for $1.00 provided that the purchaser agreed to move the house off campus. Jen and her lawyer husband Larry became the lucky new owners. Jen has a history degree from Goucher College in Baltimore, and she did things right, researching the neighborhood, the house, the Kinney family and moving it in 2001 to 1056-26th Street. Of course I did what I could to help from the family history point of view. Jen found photos I didn't have and vice versa. This put me in touch with two grand daughters, we visited Laurie Ann Rumage Vogt (the grand daughter living in Akron, Pennsylvania), and on November 30, 2000, she sent me a box of photos and letters taken from the house. In March 2014, I "discovered" that one of the letters was written in 1879 by Mary Ingels [1862-1932] describing how she had just met her future husband Louis De Guibert [1860-1929] at Eureka College in Illinois. In 2006, Jen and Larry bought Mars Cafe, a campus coffee house. On July 1, 2008, Jen proudly showed me her newly restored house. She and I visited the Drake campus, and Jen helped me find my mother's picture in an old yearbook (but not the painting of a Drake professor which LMJC is said to have painted for hanging in a place of honor). /// The photo at left shows Jen making a presentation about preservation. The 1911 photo at right is from LMJC's photo album. The middle photo is from Barb Tuinstra's website. And the restored view was of course made at Jen's new location. |  1911
Part IV - VIP's Related to Campbell Park:
Most if not all of Campbell Park's founders in 1907 were members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Chicago, Illinois. Their original intention (never realized) was for Campbell Park to evolve along the lines of other summer colonies such as Chatauqua in upstate New York and Epworth Heights in nearby Ludington, Michigan. So they laid out "streets" (some only nine feet wide) named for famous Disciples.
On the whole, Campbell Park's founders were among the most liberal and intellectual of the "Brotherhood." Most were associated with the University of Chicago at a time when many Christian Church ministers still eschewed education and continued to maintain that all it took to be a minister was a "calling" to preach the Bible.
This section displays all of "dead white men" associated with the origins of Campbell Park.
Pres = President of National or International Convention, Disciples of Christ (one year term).
DDH = Disciples Divinity House, University of Chicago (# = order of deanship).
And CP = Campbell Park, Pentwater, Michigan (# = chance lot order from south to north).
 Thomas Campbell 1763-1854 Brush Run Minister CP name
 Barton Stone 1772-1844 CaneRidge Minister CP avenue
 Alexander Campbell 1788-1866 Bethany Minister CP name
 Walter Scott 1796-1861 Covington Minister CP avenue
 Charles Mears 1814-1895 Chicago LandBaron
 W.K. Pendleton 1817-1899 Bethany Col Pres CP avenue Pres 1877
|  Isaac Errett 1820-1888 Cincinnati Publisher CP avenue
|  Alexander Proctor 1825-1900 St.Louis Minister CP avenue
|  J.W. McGarvey 1829-1911 Lexington Minister
|  Otis Asa Burgess 1829-1882 Ind'pls Col Pres CP avenue
|  James A Garfield 1831-1881 Cleveland President CP avenue
|  William Thomas Moore 1832-1926 Minister Garrison Park
 James H. Garrison 1842-1931 St.Louis Publisher CP avenue
| | | | | | |
 Justus Stearns 1845-1933 Ludington LandBaron
 Zachary Taylor Sweeney 1849-1926
Columbus Minister
 William Franklin Richardson 1852-19?? Minister Garrison Park
 Herbert Lockwood Willett 1864-1944 Chicago Prof Bible CP #11 DDH #1
| Peter Ainslie 1867-1934 Baltimore Minister Husband of Elizabeth Weisel DDH trustee Pres 1910
 Geo B. Fawley 1868-1959 Chicago Retailer CP #3
|  GeoAlex Campbell 1869-1943 St.Louis Minister CP #6 Pres 1933
 Errett Gates 1870-1951 Chicago Minister CP #7
 E.S. Ames 1870-1958 Chicago Prof Phil CP #5 DDH #3
|  Geo Sher- woodEddy 1871-1963 Overseas Traveler
 C.C. Morrison 1874-1966 Chicago Minister CP #1 ChCentury
|  W.E. Garrison 1874-1969 Chicago Historian Son of J.H. DDH #2
|  W.B. Blakemore 1876-1944 Chicago Minister DDH #4
| | | | | | | |
 Christopher Coleman 18??-19?? Uncle? of Mary Logan Coleman CP #2
 EdgDeWitt Jones 1876-1956 Detroit Minister DDH trustee Pres 1919
|  Hugh T. Morrison 1877->1971 Springfield,IL Brother of C.C. Husb of Mary Logan Coleman DDH trustee
 WilliamC Bower 1878-1982 Chicago Minister
|  Mary Logan Coleman 1880-1939 Wife of Hugh T. Morrison CP #10
 Carl C. Bushnell 18??-19?? CP #8
 Arno L. Roach 18???-19?? Chicago Publisher CP #9
 Charles R. Wakeley 18??-19?? CP #4 DDH trustee
 Swift Lathers 1889-1970 Mears,MI Editor
|  RobertE Gable 1933- Frankfort Stearns
| | | | | | |
Part V - Related Art Works:
Our family has had its share of talented artists. This section displays 45 of the many art works by family members, by their relatives (both near and far), or related in some other way to Campbell Park and its environs. Alas, I do not have photos of the art works actually in Argyle Cottage. The four paintings shown below by Luna May Jameson Campbell [1869-1940] are in Knoxville, TN.
Luna May Jameson [1869-1940], Des Moines, Iowa
 L. May Jameson Agnes McClatchy at Drake Univ
|  L. May Jameson Still life of 15 roses
|  L. May Jameson Niagara Falls Sketched July 6, 1892
|  L. May Jameson Brace of ducks on brown wall in Manitoba?
|  UACC St.Louis
|  GA Campbell Memorial Chapel UACC St.Louis Sep. 30, 1945
Fletcher C. Ransom [1870-1943], Joliet, Illinois
Douglas Argyle Campbell [1929-c2007], Beverly Hills, California
Peter Lloyd, Santa Fe, New Mexico
 Sears & Nicols Pentwater
|  Car Ferries Chessie System Ludington
|  Robert L. Sterns Ossawald Crumb Ludington
|  F.C. Ranson Ossawald Crumb Ludington
|  F.C. Ranson Ossawald Crumb Ludington
|  Campbell Divertimento Fountain by Luis Barragán [1902-1988] At former home of Douglas Argyle Campbell 1150 Brooklawn Drive Beverley Hills, CA Built 1987-1996
 Photograph Yulong River China Peter Lloyd Santa Fe, NM
| |
Mary Ingels De Guibert [1862-1932], Public Landing, Maryland
Ernest August Eberlein [1876-1931], New York City
Charles Fitch Lester [1868-1938], New York City
Kenneth Frazier [1867-1949], New York City
Christopher Charles Benninger, architect, Pune, India
 Mary Ingels DeGuibert Public Landing Maryland
|  Mary Ingels DeGuibert Public Landing Chincoteague Bay Maryland
|  Ernest Eberlein NY City
|  Ernest Eberlein NY City
|  ChasFitch Lester Owls
|  ChasFitch Lester Dogs
|  Davida DeGuibert Lester by K.F.
|  Office by Chris Benninger India
|  Home & Studio Chris Benninger Pune, India
Polly Scribner Ames [1908-1993], Chicago, Illinois
 Polly S. Ames
|  Polly S. Ames
|  Polly S. Ames
|  Polly S. Ames
|  Polly S. Ames
|  Polly Scribner Ames
|  Polly Scribner Ames
Jim Auer [1906-1952], architect, Ladue, Missouri
Mary Evalyn Campbell Auer [1912-1999], Ladue, Missouri
Georgia Wulff, Minoqua, Wisconsin
Campbell Auer, GeoPlate, Casa Grande, Arizona
Kathryn Lynn Meroni, Key Largo, Florida
 Campbell Arms by Jim Auer c.1934
 Home by Jim
Auer 6 Graybridge Ln Ladue, MO
|  Argyle Cottage blue print Campbell Park Pentwater, MI By Jim Auer Mar. 10, 1938
|  Bust of GAC MEC Auer UACC St.Louis, MO 1944
|  Church by MEC Auer Ladue, MO
|  Georgia Wulff
|  Georgia Wulff Minoqua, WI
| Georgia Wulff Minoqua, WI
 Camp Auer Geoplate Casa Grand
|  Camp Auer Geoplate Casa Grande
|  Kati Meroni
| | |
James Edward Murphy [1947-2008], North Arlington, Ohio
George Campbell Murphy, St. Louis, Missouri
 Jim Murphy Bedroom in Argyle Cottage
|  Camp Murphy
|  Camp Murphy Pentwater
|  Camp Murphy Pentwater
|  Camp Murphy Pentwater
Cynthia Delaney Lollis, Savannah School of Art & Design (SCAD), Atlanta, Georgia
 Cynthia Lollis Self- portrait
|  2000 Cynthia Lollis & Danny Deeg make best book for Gutenberg's 600th birthday Mainz,Germany
 Cynthia Lollis Cranes Atlanta
|  Cynthia Lollis Book
|  Cynthia Lollis
| |
Part VI - Related Books:
This section displays 64 books (and one film) by Campbell family members, by other Campbell Park authors, and/or related to Campbell family history. Five of the books (and the film) are entirely on-line: Price (1970), Campbell (1984), Hessing (1999), Mason (2007), Carothers (2010), and Auer (2012) - not to mention Google scans. At least two books have sample chapters on-line: Campbell (1944) and Lollis (2013).
 Highland Journals of Queen Victoria 1860's
|  Campbell Address to Lorne Québec 1882
|  Psychology of Reli- gious Ex- perience E.S. Ames 1910
 Divinity of Christ E.S. Ames 1911
 Meaning of Baptism C.C. Morrison 1914
|  Higher Indivi- dualism E.S. Ames 1915
 Our Bible H.L. Willett 1917
|  New Orthodoxy E.S. Ames 1918
 Religion E.S. Ames 1929
 Coming of War 1914 Bernadotte Schmitt 1930 Pulitzer!
| Chores & Altar GeoAlex Campbell 1931
 Letters to God & the Devil E.S. Ames 1933
| | | | | | |
 Out of Iowa (poems) VanMeter Ames 1936
|  Proust Santayana VanMeter Ames 1937
|  Our Father Preacher Pas- tor Person "Campbell Bd of Pub" 1939
 Paddle to the Sea H.C. Holling 1941 Click for film
 Pentwater Florence Schrumpf 1942
 Christians & War C.C. Morrison 1942
|  Disciples of Christ E.S. Ames 1943
 Friends Are My Story GeoAlex Campbell 1944
|  Andre Gide VanMeter Ames 1947
|  Nutrition Charles Noyes Kinney 1949
| | | | |
 Disciples in Canada Reuben Butchart 1949
|  Son of Haman Louis Cochran 1953?
|  Campbell Park 50 years RobtAlex Campbell 1957
|  Disciples W.E. Garrison 1958
|  Fool of God Louis Cochran 1958
|  Beyond Theology E.S. Ames 1959
|  Fashion & Future of History Bernadotte Schmitt 1960
 Japan Betty+ VMAmes 1961
|  Zen VanMeter Ames 1962
|  Archibald McLarty Minnie Burley 1963
|  Paddle to the Sea Bill Mason 1966 Click for book
 Toward Fem Lib Movement Ernestine Benninger 1968
| | |
 Captives of the Word BessWhite L.Cochran 1969
|  Portage La Prairie 1870-1970 AnneCollier 1970
|  Campbells Auchindrain Emily Camp- bell Price 1970
|  Prayers & Meditations E.S. Ames 1970
|  Notable American Women J.Wilson 1971
|  Argyll Heartland by Marion Campbell 1977
|  Simple Things (poetry) VanMeter Ames 1978
|  Of Time North Beach Assn. Pentwater 1981
|  Letters of 2 in Love GAC&LMJ ed.RobtAlex Campbell 1984
|  Mid-Argyll Archeology by Marion Campbell 1984
|  Story of Morpeth Marjorie Giddis 1985
 TheScotch (ElginCty) John Ken Galbraith 1985
|  TheyBuilt on Sand VanMeter Ames Pentwater 1986
|  LaFayette Illinois 150 Years George Swank 1987
 Imagica- tion T.G. Murphy 1988
|  Impens- able ima- ginaire Sanford Ames 1991
|  Crofter & the Laird (Colonsay) JohnMcPhee 1992
|  A Dance Called America James Hunter 1994
|  History Garrison Park Pentwater 1999
|  Treasures of Little Cabin Laurel Hessing 1999
|  Lake Michigan Jacqueline Widmar Stewart 2003
|  Return to Pentwater Martha Robach 2005
| |
Part VII - Related Papers, Essays & Poems:
Here are more that 30 papers, essays, and small unpublished collections of photos or poetry by Campbell family members or otherwise related to Campbell Park. More will undoubtedly come to light.
 "Exception- ally Fine Preacher" W.T. Moore 1918 No longer on-line
 "Martha & Me in Europe" By GM Campbell World Call 1926 Not on-line
|  Religion in Missouri By LMJ Campbell 19?? 13 pages Not on-line
|  Public Art in St.Louis By LMJ Campbell 19?? 20 pages Not on-line
|  Ceclia Beaux Formost Woman Portrait Painter By LMJ Campbell 19?? 6 pages Not on-line
|  Trip of E.J. Campbell & Family to FL & Cuba Aug. 1935 Click here for text
 Memorial Services Luna May Jameson Campbell Mar. 13, 1940 12 pages Not on-line
|  "Eccentricities of Genius" By Geo Alex Campbell The Scroll May 1943 Not on-line
 Funeral Service George Alex Campbell Aug. 30, 1943 16 pages Not on-line
|  "New Men for the New Day " W.E Garrison The Scroll Jan. 1943 Click here for text
|  "Disciples Divinity Hse Beginnings"
Perry J. Rice The Scroll Jan. 1943 Click here for text
| | | |
 Campbell Park Three Poems By Janet Neilson St.Louis, MO c.1980 Click here for texts
|  "My Hannibal" By GM Camp- bell Lollis 1982, 11 pages Not on-line
|  "Early Days in Chicago" By GM Camp- bell Lollis 1982, 11 pages +Notes by RAC Not on-line (image shows GMC, RAC & Rosabelle)
|  Poems for Three Eberlein Sisters By Laurel Hessing Free Acres, NJ 1982-1990 Click here for texts
|  Descendants of Peter Campbell & Isabel Ferguson By Ted Lollis London, 1984 22 pages Not on-line
|  "Dugald Sinclair: Life & Times of a Highland itinerant missionary" By Donad E. Meek Edinburgh, 1991 Not on-line
|  "Jamesons in Illinois & Other States" Email posting By Ted Lolllis Jan. 27, 1999 Click here for text
 "Big South Fork Coal is Connec- ted to Great Lakes Lumber" By Ted Lollis NPS, 2003 Click here for text
 "My Mother & Pentwater" By Ted Lollis 2007 Click here for Word file (image shows GM & ? c.1908)
|  "Argyle on the Lake" by Cat Auer 22-page book w/31 color photos of Argyle Cottage & Campbell Park 2009
 "Dugald Sinclair: Seven Decades of Unstinting Service" By Edwin Broadus Tinturn, 2010
|  "Scholar & Kaiser" (World War-I) Part1+Part2 By Jack Neely MetroPulse Knoxville 2014
| | | |
Part VIII - Related Periodicals:
This section presents some of the church periodicals which were editted by George Alexander Campbell or otherwise related to Campbell Park.
Part IX - Related Events:
This section is highly selective -- but the most fun to compile. It displays 102 events over two centuries of family history for which specific dates and representative images are available. I hope that my selection of events gives you an accurate representation of our family history. Every event is described in greater detail on other web pages, as are sources of all this information.
LMJC, GMCL, and I have successively maintained family records (first in notebooks and since 1997 in a computer), but no one has ever constructed a writtten family history. The presentation shown here is pictorial and selective. Yet even it gives some idea of our origins and accomplishments over the years.
The Campbell side of our family tree is entirely Scottish. Our Smith and Blue ancestors -- yes, Smith and Blue are good Scottish names -- emigrated to Herkimer County, New York, before the War of 1812. Two families named Campbell (one with a Smith wife and mother) joined them in 1821 but moved on the Erie Canal west (and south) to Kent County, Ontario, in 1830. Our McLarty ancestors emigrated directly to land acquired from Colonel Talbot in southwestern Ontario in 1831 as part of a congregation of Scottish Baptists. All immigrant families spoke Gaelic, and everyone pitched in to help make cheese and harvest grain.
In 1845, a son (Peter, age 26) from the Campbell farm near Morpeth married a daughter (Isabel, age 21) from the McLarty farm north of Ridgetown. Both had been born in Scotland. They had ten children, one died, and nine walked to school in Slabtown, a mile south on the Talbot Trail.
By the mid-19th century, some of the Campbell men had constructed a water-powered grist mill. When this burned in 1880, two Campbell brothers established even bigger steam-powered mills in Chatham, St. Thomas, and Toronto, and one of them (Archibald, grandfather of playboy Douglas Argyle Campbell) became wealthy and waselectd to the federal parliament.
In 1882, Peter, Isabel, and eight children (ages 13-36) followed a daughter (Mary) and son-in-law (John Howard Campbell) to the fertile prairies of Manitoba. Four sons soon took up grain farming on a large scale, and the oldest (A.P.) worked his way onto the Winnipeg grain exchange. Eventually, two sons (Mack and Neil) moved to Yakima, Washington, where they grew hops and apples. Two daughters (Maud and Maggie) married and remained in Portage La Prairie. One daughter (Flo Jennie) died in childbirth. Peter and Isabel celebratred their 70th wedding anniversary in 1915.
The youngest son (GAC), taught the winter of 1886-1887 in a one-room school house and decided to study for the ministry. He received 36 college catalogs but chose Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Drake was founded in 1881 and happened to be the nearest Disciples-related institution of higher education (750 miles south of Portage La Prairie).
Meanwhile, our Murphy, Jameson, and Ingels ancestors met each other in north central Illinois. Many of the Murphys were Disciples preachers, and one group of them soon left Illinois for Monmouth, Oregon. The Ingels had come from Pennsylvania via eastern Indiana where they had intermaried to some extent with the Gaars who manufactured steam engines and threshing machines in Richmond, Indiana. The Jamesons and Haley families moved to Illinois from Barren County, Kentucky, allegedly to avoid slavery.
In Illinois, a Jameson son (Robert Bruce, age 26) married an Ingels daughter (Rosa Melinda, age 18) married in 1867. Theu had four daughters whom they intended to send to Disciples-related college in Abingdon, Illinois, but -- when that college merged with Eureka College in 1885 -- the entire family moved to Des Moines so the girls could attend Drake. The other members of the Ingels family remained in LaFayette, Illinois, where a sister (Mary) married Louis De Guibert of French descent in 1880 and a brother (Irvin) started a family-owned nursery in 1887 (which survived until the early years of the 21st century).
GAC and LMJ met at Drake (both age 18) and formed an immediate attachment (proved by the publication in 1984 of all the letters they wrote each other the summers of 1889-1892). Both were ardent Disciples of Christ, and May faithfully played the role of pastor's wife until his retirement from Union Avenue Christian Church in 1938 and her death in 1940. Religion was very much the foundation on which they and other Disciples families from Chicago founded Campbell Park (named for Disciples founders Thomas and Alexander Campbell -- not for our family) in 1907.
The 20th century saw the opening of opportunities other than the farm and church. The many descendants of the Campbell family of Argyle Cottage have pursued careers in business, engineering, law, management, the military, journalism, government service, and art, among other professions. The largest branch of the family remains near St. Louis, Missouri, but cousins live in at least eight other states. Only one descendant retains the surname Campbell.
 1871 Elder Archi- bald McLarty founds Christ Church PortageLaPrairie
Manitoba (new bldg in 1903)
|  Jan. 1, 1872 Railroad service begins in Pentwater
 Aug. 11, 1879 Meeting of Mary Ingels & Louis De Guibert at boarding house Eureka College Eureka Illinois
|  1880 Klondyke Mill burns down Howard Twnshp Kent County,ON (Image=TalbotTr in Morpeth)
|  June 13, 1882 Canadian Campbells address Marquess of Lorne in Quebec
 Dec. 15, 1882 Peter Campbell describes train trip via Chicago from Ontario to Manitoba
|  Jan. 27, 1883 James Ingels of LaFayette, IL, killed by own gun while hunting on Suwanee River Florida
 1884 Peter & AP Campbell PortageLaPrairie exchange letters w/Scottish cousins after 63 year gap
|  1880's Jameson Home near Abingdon Illinois (image from LMJC album shows 6 Jame- sons +6 others)
| | | |
 1887 Irvin Ingels (James' son & Mary's brother) starts Home Nursery LaFayette Illinois
Aug. 10, 1887 Great Chats- worth Wreck Chatsworth, IL w/Jameson family of Abingdon, IL (image from LMJC album)
|  Jan. 27, 1888 GAC+LMJ First date at State Capitol Des Moines Iowa
|  1892 Archibald Campbell opens Campbell Flour Mills Toronto Junc- tion, Ontario
|  July 6, 1892 May Jameson sketches Niagara Falls
|  July 8, 1892 May Jameson attends Christian Endeavor convention in NY City
 Dec. 20, 1892 GAC & LMJC are married at her home 1315-26th St Des Moines Iowa
|  1893-1894 GAC & LMJC live in cottage Hiawatha Kansas (Rosabelle born 4/7/94)
|  1893 World's Colum- bian Expo Chicago, IL Attended by GAC+LMJC (image from LMJC album)
Sept. 11, 1893 First Parliament of World's Religions Chicago, IL Opening address by Swami Vivekananda
| |
 1895-1913 GAC marries 4 Ingels sisters Hiawatha Kansas (Flo, Fan, Code, Carrie)
|  July 9, 1896 Cross of Gold Speech by Wm Jennings Bryan Chicago, IL attended by GA Campbell
|  Jan. 1, 1900 Christian Oracle is renameed
Christian Century Chicago, IL per idea of GA Campbell
 Nov. 16, 1900 Fatal fall by Robert Bruce Jameson 1150-25th St Des Moines Iowa
|  1901 Pan Am Expo Buffalo, NY Cousins attend from Herkimer Cty & Ontario
|  1904 Lousiana Pur- chase Expo St.Louis, MO Attended by Mary & Louis De Guibert
|  Nov. 7, 1905 Undena Eberlein takes baby Betty to Suffragist Vote Harlem Casino in NY City
 May 16, 1906 Mary & Louis De Guibert buy big old house on Chincoteague Bay, Pub.Land- ing, Maryland
 Mar. 16, 1907 Mysterious fire de- stroys Helicon Hall of Upton Sinclair Englewood, NJ.
Ernest Eberlein, Davida & Betty escape
| | | |
 July 15, 1907 Land bought for Campbell Park Pentwater Michigan (CP brochure shows steam- ship fm Chicago)

![]() Dec. 10, 1907 Undena DeGui- bert Eberlein (Jane Gilbert in MayTully's troup) is praised by newspaper in Pittsburgh
|  May 4, 1908 Austin Christian Church burns to ground Chicago, IL (image shows GAC+LMJC about this time)
 c.1908 First room of Argyle Cottage Campbell Park Pentwater Michigan (Note kids in sand)
 Summer 1909 Postcard from Rosabelle (15) noting first Campbell Park cottage Pentwater Michigan
 Oct. 1909 Centennial Convention Disciples of Christ Pittsburgh Pensylvania
 June 14-23, 1910 World Missionary Conf in Edinburgh is attended by CC Morrison & Sherwood Eddy
 Mar. 23, 1914 Fire at Kinney House 1318-27th Street Des Moines, IA Witnessed by Lowell Carter
![]() 1914-1919 Charles McCartney Lieutenant in US Reserves during WW-I Hannibal Missouri
| | | | | | |

![]() Feb. 5, 1915 70th anniversary Peter Campbell Isabel McLarty PortageLaPrairie
![]() July 1920 EJCampbell catches 2 fish in Pent- water Lake, glues tracings under stairs in Argyle Cottage
|  Sep. 21, 1920 Isaac Campbell gives bride May Niles to Gerald Loggie Winnipeg
|  Apr. 14, 1925 Murder of Madge Oberholzer by KKK Gr Dragon D.C Stephenson Indianapolis, IN Doctor was John Kingsbury
![]() July 11, 1925 GAC+LMJC visit Furnace & Auchnindrain Scotland (LMJC photos ArgyleCottage)
|  Aug. 18-30, 1925 1st Universal Christian Conf on Life & Work of Bishop N.Söderblom Included GAC+LMJC, Hampton Adams, Peter Ainslie & Elizabeth Weisel
![]() July 1926 GMCampbell visits cousins Furnace & Kenmore Loch Fyne Scotland
| May 4, 1928 "White Elephant" Valeria Hotel burns down Pentwater Michigan
 1928 Opening of Disciples Divinity House Univ of Chicago Chicago, IL (H.L. Willett is 1st Dean)
 Aug. 28, 1928 Bernadotte Schmitt meets Kaiser Wilhelm II at Haus Doorn in Utrecht
| | | |
 1930 GAC+LMJC+ ME have tea with Duke of Argyll & his sister Inverary Castle Scotland
|  Aug. 7, 1930 Lynching of Tom Shipp+Abe Smith Marion, IN No kin present (I hope) but very troubling
|  1931 Bernadotte Schmitt wins Pulitzer prize for "Coming of War 1914"
|  1931 Duke of Argyll completes Bell Tower w/GAC check Inverary Scotland
|  Oct. 11, 1933 Presidential Address by GA Campbell to Intl Convention Disciples of Christ Syria Mosque Pittsburgh, PA
|  1933-1934 Century of Progress Intl Expo Chicago, IL Attended by EWL+GMCL
|  Summer 1934 RAC introduces Rachel Davis to his parents Argyle Cottage Pentwater Michigan
 Nov. 1, 1934 Wedding of Mary Evalyn Campbell & Jim Auer He draws Campbell Arms about this time
 Aug. 1935 Trip of E.J. Campbell & Family to Florida & Cuba
 Dec. 25, 1937 Last Xmas at UACC Parsonage 2 Windermere Place,St.Louis (19 in photo w/7 grandkids)
| | | |
 Mar. 10, 1938 Alterations to Argyle Cottage Campbell Park Pentwater, MI by architect Jim Auer
|  June 1938 GAC flies St.Louis to Indianapolis (his first flight)
|  Mar. 10, 1940 Death of May Jameson Campbell St. Louis Missouri
 Nov. 11, 1940 Great Armistice Day Storm on Lake Michigan
 May 14, 1941 After witnessing Nanking Massa- cre Disciples missionary Minnie Vautrin commits suicide Indianapolis, IN
 Aug. 17, 1943 Death of Geo Alex Campbell after sunset Argyle Cottage Campbell Park Pentwater, MI
 June 26, 1944 George JL Wulff commands 12th Field Hospital Omaha Beach & Cherbourg France
 Feb. 23, 1945 US Army raid frees Oscar (Pete) Rhudie & nurse Ada Ingels from Japanese intern- ment in Los Bańos, Philippines
 Sep. 11, 1948 George A. Camp- bell II drowns during 1st week of plebe year at West Point
 Nov. 13, 1948 Douglas Lloyd Campbell sworn as Premier of Manitoba until 6/30/58
|  Bernadotte Schmitt's "History of San Francisco Conference" for State Dept. 1945-1952 Unpublished
|  May 25, 1953 Wedding of MEC Auer & George Wulff Union Avenue Christian Church St.Louis, MO
| | | | | | | |
 Dec. 27, 1953 Bruce Carter survives crash in Elma, Iowa, which kills his mother & grandmother
 1957 Robert Alexander Campbell 50 years of Campbell Park
|  Aug. 28, 1963 I Have a Dream Speech by MLK, Jr. Lincoln Mem Washington, DC Attended by Ted Lollis
|  Nov. 22, 1963 Assassination of John F. Kennedy Heard in Rwanda on shortwave radio
 1964 FSO Lollis gives refuge to Tutsi family during Hutu reprisals in Kigali, Rwanda
 1964 World Fair in Flushing Meadow Queens, NY Attended by EWL +GMCL+Ted Note Rwanda flag
 July 14, 1965 Sudden death of Adlai Stevenson Grosvenor Sq London
| | | | |
 1969 Pumped Storage Power Station North of Pentwater Michigan
|  1975 Opening of Open-Air Museum Auchindrain Scotland
|  Jan. 13, 1982 AirFlorida Crash Potomac Riv DC/VA Ted in traffic on bridge
 Oct. 10, 1982 Memorial Service Free Acres, NJ for Betty & Jane
Eberlein killed in Maryland on Aug. 23

![]() Dec. 1, 1983 50th anniversary GM & Ed Lollis Greenwood, IN Attended by DLC R&RC, Wulffs CDL et al

![]() Spring 1985 George Wulff & cousin Margaret Urquhart sing Harry Lauder songs Inverary, Scotland
June 26, 1987 ConGen Lollis leads double anniversary of LaFayette to America & Pershing to France at Point de Grave
1989 Warren Hamilton receives high- est geology award (Pen- rose Medal)
 Sep. 1, 1990 Wedding of Ted+Schera Argyle Cottage Campbell Park Pentwater, MI w/BettyAmes
| | | | | | |
 Aug. 24, 1992 Hurricane Andrew disrupts all in Miami area
 2000 Cynthia Lollis & Danny Deeg make best book for Gutenberg's 600th birthday Mainz,Germany
 2001 Jen Irsfeld James moves & restores Vaill-Kinney House 1056-26th Street Des Moines, IA
|  Sep. 11, 2001 Twin Towers Attack in NY City is seen by Ted & Schera in Victoria, BC
 Aug. 9, 2005 Celebration in Oak Ridge, TN, of 60 years since last use of nuclear weapons
 May 21, 2006 Nickerson Inn burns down Pentwater, MI
after 92 years
|  2007 Centennial of Campbell Park Pentwater Michigan
|  July 27, 2008 Two friends murdered during children's play at Tennessee Valley UU Church Knoxville, TN
 Aug. 6, 2010 Wedding of Cynthia Lollis & Alex Deiss Besigtneim Germany
 Sep. 2, 2013 Ted Lollis launches his picture book Monumental Beauty at the Peace Palace in The Hague
| | | | | | |
Part X - Related Houses & Buildings:
About 37 scattered buildings, houses, farms, churches, museums, and other institutions related in some way to Argyle Cottage family history or to Campbell Park history. Some of these structures are burned down or otherwise destroyed, but most still exist and can be visited by intrepid family members and their children.
 Building S Auchindrain Scotland As seen 1925
|  Building S
Auchindrain Scotland If restored
|  Open-Air Museum Auchindrain Scotland Opened 1975
|  Church of Scotland
Achahoish S. Knapdale Scotland Ted here in evening
|  Top House Kenmore Loch Fyne Scotland As seen 1926
|  Cove Cottage Ellery Estate S. Knapdale Scotland Ted ran off rd here
|  Baptist Church Colonsay Island Scotland Itinerant minister Dugald Sinclair started this church
|  Baptist Church Lochgilphead Scotland Dugald Sinclair took 1/2 to Ontario in 1831
 Wharf Crinan Scotland Dugald Sinclair sailed from here in 1831
|  Inverary Castle Scotland Seat of Duke Built 1746-89 Fire in 1877 As seen on Downton Abbey
|  Campbell Mansion Bethany, WV Built in 1783 Alexander Campbell Lollis visit date?
|  Meeting House Cane Ridge, KY Built in 1791 Barton Stone Enclosed in 1957 Lollis visit date?
| ,%20Bethany%20College%20(WV)-large.jpg) Old Main Bethany College West Virginia Built 1858-1871 by Alexander Campbell Lollis visit date?
![]() Moon Farm Smith/Smith 1807-16 Campbell/McArthur 1821-30 Town of Russia Herkimer County New York
![]() Smith/Leitch Farmhouse Elm Flats Road Hinckley, NY Residence of John Butler Pratt
|  Unitarian Church Barneveld, NY Dedicated 1817 Where we met John Butler Pratt
 Erie Canal New York State Campbell route to Ontario 1830 (This view painted c.1895)
 Christian Church Ridgetown, ON Where Peter Campbell met Isabel McLarty
|  Talbot Trail Morpeth, ON Near Campbell farm (burned c.1865) & Klondyke mill (burned in 1880)
| | | |
 Christ Church PortageLaPrairie
Manitoba Founded 1871 by Elder Archi- bald McLarty Rebuilt in 1903
|  Campbell House Flee Island, MB Moved to FtLaReine Portage La Prairie John Howard Cam Doug L Campbell
 Douglas Campbell Lodge & Gladys Crampton Campbell Memorial Garden Portage La Prairie Manitoba
 Erie Mills St. Thomas Ontario John Campbell [1847-1914] From his letterhead
 Campbell Flour Mills Toronto Junc, ON Archibald Campbell [1845-1913]
 Douglas Argyle Campbell 1150 Brooklawn Drive Beverley Hills, CA Sold for $4.8 million with Campbell Divertimento Fountain By Luis Barragán [1902-1988]
| | | | |
 DeGuibert House Richland Valley Illinois Photo shows Davida et al
|  Ingels House LaFayette Illinois Built 1866 Nursery 1887 Raised 1949
|  Jameson House Near Abingdon Illinois Photo shows 6 family + 6 non-family
|  Vaill- Kinney House 1318-27th Street Des Moines, IA Built in 1881 Photo in 1911 Fire in 1914
|  Vaill- Kinney House 1318-27th Street Des Moines, IA Surrounded by Drake Edith died here age 101 in 2000
|  Vaill- Kinney House 1056-26th Street Des Moines, IA After move in 2001 & restoration by Jen Irsfeld James
|  House 1315-26th Street Des Moines, IA Where Jameson sisters married May '92, Eva '93 & Golda 1896
|  House 1150-25th Street Des Moines, IA Built by R.B. Jameson Where he died 16Nov00 Mission Society 1953 Now torn down
 First Christian Ch DesMoines, IA GAC ordained here in 1889
|  University Christian Ch Chicago, IL ES Ames here 1900-1940
| .jpg) Hiawatha Christian Ch Hiawatha, KS GAC here 1893-1894
|  Parsonage Hiawatha Christian Ch Hiawatha, KS GAC here 1893-1894
| ![]() Austin Blvd Christian Ch Chicago, IL GAC here 1898-1910
|  First Christian Ch Hannibal, MO GAC here 1911-1918
|  Union Avenue Christian Ch St. Louis, MO GAC here 1918-1938
|  Parsonage 2 Windermere Pl Visitation Park St. Louis, MO Last Xmas in 1937 Rebuilt in 1971
 GA Campbell Mem Chapel Union Ave Christian Ch St.Louis, MO Sep. 30, 1945
| |
 "Big House" Public Landing Maryland Purchased 1906 Painting by Mary now in Free Acres
|  "Big House" & Bungalow Public Landing Maryland Photo from LMJC album
|  Helicon Hall New Jersey Upton Sinclair 3 relatives here during 1907 fire
|  Free Acres Berkeley Heights New Jersey Founded in 1910
 Lester Cabin Appletree Row Free Acres Berkeley Heights New Jersey Photo in 1938 Where papers found
 Home & Studio Chris Benninger Pune, India
| | |
 Argyle Cottage in 1908-1910 Campbell Park Pentwater, MI Started in 1907 Shows GMC
|  Argyle Cottage front in summer Campbell Park Pentwater, MI Photo by Ted Lollis
|  Argyle Cottage back in winter Campbell Park Pentwater, MI Photo by Camp Auer
|  Argyle Cottage blue print Campbell Park Pentwater, MI By Jim Auer Mar. 10, 1938
|  The Deck Argyle Cottage Campbell Park Pentwater, MI
|  The Woods Argyle Cottage Campbell Park Pentwater, MI
|  Upper Steps Argyle Cottage Campbell Park Pentwater, MI Photo by Camp Murphy
 Summer 1934 RAC introduces Rachel Davis to his parents Argyle Cottage Pentwater, MI
 The Boardwalk Campbell Park Pentwater, MI Photo by Ted Lollis
|  The Perch Central Steps Campbell Park Pentwater, MI Photo by Ted Lollis
|  The View Campbell Park Pentwater, MI
|  Lower Steps Campbell Park Pentwater, MI Photo by Camp Murply
|  The Beach Campbell Park Pentwater, MI
|  Charles Mears State Park Pentwater, MI
| |
Part XI - Related Maps:
Here are some maps I have made and a few which I've come across while surfing the web. Many other maps related to family history could be added to this small collection.
 Argyleshire Scotland
|  Clan Campbell Scotland
|  Auchindrain People & Places Scotland Click for Interactive Map
|  Auchindrain Township & Museum, Scotland
 Kent County Ontario (Ridgetown, Morpeth Blenheim, Chatham)
|  Campbell Flour Mills Toronto Junction Ontario 1912
 Free Acres New Jersey 1938
 Routes to Pentwater Michigan Map by Ted Lollis on GIS
 Original Plat Campbell Park Pentwater Michigan 1907
 Map by Ted Lollis Campbell Park Pentwater Michigan 1975
| | | | |
Part XII - Related Cemeteries:
Cemeteries are hallowed ground and survive far better than buildings. The graves of almost all of our ancestors in the US and Canada can be traced and their tombstones read and rubbed. Here are about 33 cemeteries in three countries, most of which I have visited. The list of ancestors buried in each cemetery is incomplete.
Note the old and recent photos of the cemetery in Morpeth, Ontario. What is today merely lawn used to be a maze of flower gardens apparently tended (competitively?) by different families. I wonder if this practice was common throuighout North America.
 Kilmalieu Cem. Inveraray Scotland Visited 1925+1926 No proof
|  Crarae Cem. West of Furnace Scotland Margaret Urquhart Chatty Martin
| ![]() Acahoish Kyntyre Scotland Searched in vain
Morpeth Cemetery Kent County, Ontario 1841 Isabel Smith
Campbell 1853 Flora Johnson Campbell 1862 Malcolm Campbell 1880 Neil Campbell 1908 Duncan Campbell 1908 Lizzie McCiarmid Campbell
|  Newcomb Cemetery Kent County, ON 1868 Dugald Campbell 1889 Benjamin Bell 1895 Mary Campbell Campbell 1896 Margaret Campbell Bell
| ![]() Cem. on Ridgeline East of Blenheim Ontario
|  Poplar Hill Lobo, ON 1870 Dugald Sinclair
 Ogletree Cem near Ridgetown 1867 Isabel McTavish 1884 Archibald McLarty
|  Greenwood Cem. Ridgetown, ON Many Campbells 1978 Minnie Burley See Find-A-Grave
|  Ogletree Tract Hillside Cem. PortageLaPrairie Manitoba 1888 Maud Campbell Peter Campbell Isabel McLarty 1930 John Howard Campbell 1944 Mary Campbell Campbell Douglas Lloyd Campbell 1900 Florence Jennie Campbell 1939 John "D" Hamilton Maggie Camp Hamilton
|  Old Kildonan Cem. Winnipeg Manitoba 1929 Isaac Campbell
|  Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Edmondton, AL 1982 Emily Campbell Price
|  God's Acre Bethany, WV 1854 Thomas Campbell 1866 Alexander Campbell 1899 W.K Pendleton
 USMA Cemetery West Point, NY 1948 George A Campbell II
| ![]() Newburyport Massachusetts
| Gravesville Cem Hinckley Road Russia, NY Peter Campbell Duncan Smith Catherine Smith 1887 Isabel Smith Blue 1829 Gilbert Blue See Find-A-Grave
|  Prospect, NY 1991 Mary Marg Gray Pratt 2004 John Butler Pratt
|  Smith Cemetery Grant Road Woodins Corners New York
|  Blue Cemetery Presbyterian Church North Gage Town of Deerfield Oneida County, NY 1877 Charles Duncan Blue 1900 Allan L. Blue 1901 Ann Smith Blue Visited w/John+Laura 5/28/2000
| ![]() Hope Cemetery Yonkers, NY 1917 Flora Johnson Blue 1904 John Calvin Preston
![]() Williams Cemetery aka Campbell Burying Ground Near Fairview Bentonville, IN Jacob Nelson Mary Campbell Elizabeth Campbell Daniel ____ Lollis visit 5/30/47
|  Ingels Cemetery Grant's Station Bourbon County, KY 1804 Catherine Boone Ingels 1815 James Ingels Lollis visit date?
|  Christian Church Cem. Snow Hill Maryland 1929 Louis De Guibert 1932 Mary Ingels Visited by Jim+CJ Auer
| ![]() Live Oak Cemetery Monrovia California 1930 A.P. Campbell 1930 Sarah Ann Rushton
|  Abington Illinois 1884 Max Harrison Jameson 1894 Sarah Eliz Murphy Jameson 1938 Geo Henry Peal Jameson 1954 Sarah Eliz Callison Jameson Searched in vain See Find-A-Grave
LaFayette, IL 1883 James Ingels 1902 Eliza Ryder Ingels 1904 Corliss Sinclair Ingels 1907Mary Carver Ingels 1932 Irvin Ingels 1832 Alberta Taylor Ingels
Grand View Mem Park Glendale, CA 1974 Errett C. Hamilton 1992 Erva Bell Hamilton
 Woodlawn Cem MLK Parkway Des Moines Iowa 1900 Robert Bruce Jameson 1908 Rosa Melinda Ingels
Ingels Father & Mother ?? Visited by Barb Tuinstra 5/01
|  Block 30B Glendale Cem. 4909 Univ Avenue Des Moines, IA 1936 Eva Jameson Carter 1958 Golda Jameson Kinney 1962 Chas Noyes Kinney Visited by Barb Tuinstra 5/01
| ![]() Terrace Heights Yakima, WA 1940 Neil Campbell Mack Campbell 1948 Lloyd C. Campbell 1951 Mary Cath Paterson 1952 Bessie Cleveland 1940 Neil Campbell 1951 Mary Cath Paterson 1975 Leslie Ed Campell Lorne W Campbell 1996 Jim Campbell
| ![]() Port Sanilac, MI 1954 Ed Campbell 1942 Lina Cleveland
| ![]() Oak Park Cem. St.Louis, MO 1943 Geo Alex Campbell 1940 May Jameson Campbell E.J. Campbell Robt Alex Campbell
| ![]() McCartney Lot Mt. Olivet Cem. Hannibal, MO 1950 Rosabelle Campbell
Part XIII - Memorials Outside Cemeteries:
My primary line of research (peace monuments) gives me an awareness of monuments in general. So I'm pleased to report that some members of my extended family have been prominent enough to merit memorials of their own outside of cemeteries. Here are the few I can find, including three roads named for early settlers (a simple form of memorializing someone) and two museums -- Auchindrain of course but also the pioneer museum in Portage La Prairie to which Douglas Lloyd Campbell's childhood home at Flee Island has been moved and put on display.
 Campbell Line E.of Blenheim Kent County, ON Road near farm of Peter Campbell [1775-1848] Image shows Trillium Alpaca & Goat Farm of D. Randy Campbell 10639 Campbell Line
 McLarty Line N.of Ridgetown Kent County, ON Road near farm of Archibald McLarty [1795-1884] See 600-acre farm of Ken & Sue McLarty
 Bust of George A. Campbell by MEC Auer Union Avenue Christian Church St.Louis, MO Unveiled by GAC II (age 15) Oct. 15, 1944
| "That They May All Be One"
Window by Emil Frei Co. Union Avenue Christian Church St.Louis, MO Dedicated Sep. 30, 1945
|  GA Campbell Memorial Chapel Union Avenue Christian Church St.Louis, MO Pulpit from Rosabelle & Charles McCartney Scripture read by Jane Campbell (age 18) at dedication Sep. 30, 1945
|  Roadside Marker for Great Chatsworth Wreck of Aug. 10-11, 1887 US Route 24 Chatsworth, IL Erected 1954
Roadside Markers for Armistice Day Storm & Graveyard of Ships Pentwater, MI 1986
| | | |
 Campbell Farm (conference & retreat center) Campbell Road, Wapato, WA Former 40-acre hops farm given to Presbytery of Central Washington in 1978 by widow of Lorne Wilfred Campbell [1897-1975]
 Campbell House Flee Island, MB Moved to FtLaReine (outdoor museum) Portage La Prairie John Howard Cam Doug L Campbell
 Douglas Campbell Lodge & Gladys Crampton Campbell Memorial Garden Portage La Prairie Manitoba
 Campbell Divertimento Fountain by Luis Barragán [1902-1988] At former home of Douglas Argyle Campbell 1150 Brooklawn Drive Beverley Hills, CA Built 1987-1996 Dedicated by a mariachi band from Mexico
 Chip Wulff Memorial Pond Winter Park Minoqua, WI (A teacher, Chip was killed Apr. 13, 2000, in a car crash) Image shows his daughter Erica
| | | | |
Part XIV - Related Genealogy Websites:
Here are links to nine websites with good information about our family history. Two provide the complete texts of key documents ("The Campbells from Auchindrain" and "Treasures of the Little Cabin"). Four are sites maintained for other families (Carter, Gaar, Howell, and McCartney) but include some of our ancestors and even ourselves. The website of John S. Howell, Jr., is a technical marvel. The "People of Auchindrain" site is a work in progress and is attempting to document everyone who has ever lived in the communal tennancy of
Auchindrain -- and their decendants. Rutgers University and the Disciples Historical Society are professional archives but have relatively little information digitized and on-line.
 "The Campbells from Auchindrain" By Emily C. Price Vancouver, BC, 1970 Click here for PDF of full text (72 MB) Hosted by John S. Howell, Jr.

|  "Treasures of the Little Cabin" By Laurel Hessing Free Acres, NJ, 1999 Click here for PDF of full text (421 MB) Hosted by Center for Jewish History
|  Elwood & Carter Families By Barb Tuinstra Cheyenne, WY Image shows Elledge, Lowell & Merlin Carter
|  Susan & John Howell Family Trees By John S Howell, Jr. Naples, FL Award winning site! Click here for demo. Image shows Mirrette & Flora Maude Campbell
|  Campbell Family of Argyle Cottage Campbell Park Pentwater, MI By Ted Lollis Knoxville, TN
Part XV - Family Historians:
The people shown here have already appeared in Sections I and II. As indicated by underlines, they are the score or so people both living and dead who have done the most to preserve family history and to discover new information (so far as I know).
 Luna May Jameson Campbell 1869-1940 St.Louis Artist
 Errett Campbell Hamilton 1890-1974 Winnipeg Druggist
|  Minnie Ethel Burley 1897-1978 Islington FamHist
|  Emily Campbell Price 1901-1982 Vancouver FamHist
|  GeorgiaMay Campbell Lollis 1901-1991 Indpolis Writer
| ![]() Robert Alexander Campbell 1904-1986 Barrington Moodys
Merlin Ingels Carter 1904-1963 Eugene Colonel
|  Davida Roxane Eberlein 1910-1989 Washington StateDept
 John Butler Pratt 1920-2004 Elm Flats B17gunner
|  Gaar Austin Ingels 1922-2013 Beaverton Nursery
|  Douglas Argyle Campbell 1929-2007 BvrlyHills Broker
| | |
 Sonya Campbell Wright (w/Dilly) 1934- Winnipeg
|  Laurel Hessing 1936- FreeAcres Historian
|  Ted Lollis 1937- Knoxville FSO
|  Judi Wallbridge McRae 1945- Lakewood USArmy
|  Barbara Elwood Tuinstra 1952- Cheyene FamHist
|  John Spencer Howell,Jr 1953- Naples FamHist
|  Juli Anderson Kalwa 1965- Pngtn,NJ Pet Spa
|  Jill Bovis 19??- Kintaline Benderloch Scotland Farmer
|  Jill Bovis 19??- Auchindrain Scotland Volunteer
|  Fernanda Helen Perrone, D.Phil.
Head, Exhibitions Program
Curator, William Elliot Griffis Collection
Special Collections & University Archives
Rutgers University Libraries
169 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163
Part XVI - Selected Individuals:
Color Code
| Photos
| Birth Death
| Selected Individuals (or related groups)
| Principal Places
| For More Info
|   1853-1929 | Barrister Isaac Campbell | Kent County & Toronto, Ontario, then Winnipeg, Manitoba. | Click here for Ted's web page
|    | 1845-1913 1929-c2007 | Miller Archibald Campbell Stock broker Douglas Argyle Campbell | Morpeth, Chatham, Toronto Junction Montreal, New York City, Los Angeles
| Click here for Ted's web page
![]() 1862-1932 1881-1937 1885-1947 | Housewife Mary Ingels De Guibert Actress Undena De Guibert Eberlein Model Davida De Guibert Lester | LaFayette, IL, & Public Landing, MD New York City & Free Acres, NJ Halicon Hall & Free Acres, NJ | Click here for Ted's first 3 web pages. Click here for Ted's new 4th webpage See "Treasurers of the Little Cabin"
| None 1869-1943 1869-1940 | Minister George Alexander Campbell Housewife Luna May Jameson Campbell | Des Moines, IA, Hiawatha, KS, Chicago, IL (+cottage in Pentwater, MI), Hannibal, MO, & St. Louis, MO | Return to top of this web page. See History of Campbell Park See Campbell/Jameson Family History
|   1893-1999 | Housewife Cleta Hope Campbell Whitehead | Washington state, Manitoba, Michigan, New York & Maryland |
|   1895-1995 | Premier Douglas Lloyd Campbell | Flee Island, Portage-La-Prairie & Winnipeg, Manitoba | See Wikipedia, Canadian Encyclopedia, Manitoba Historical Society, etc.
|   1901-1982 | Genealogist Emily Helen Campbell Price | Edmonton, Alberta, & Vancouver, British Columbia. | Click here for Ted's web page Also see "The Campbells from Auchindrain"
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
I intend to make a new web page summarizing family history notes and trivia year by year. If I do, the seven "selected individuals" named above will be flagged with their color coded stars.
Part XVII - Index of Existing Family History Web Pages:
Meanwhile, here is an index of existing family history web pages, any one of which is instantly accessible by a simple mouse click:
Click here for Campbell Family of Argyle Cottage - A Pictorial Guide - BY EWL - THIS WEB PAGE
Click here for "Michigan" - Pictorial Index to Pentwater, Ludington & family history web pages - BY EWL
Click here for Auchindrain, Scotland - History (old version) - BY EWL
Click here for Auchindrain, Scotland - History (new version) - BY EWL
Click here for Auchindrain, Scotland - by Emily Campbell Price [1901-1982] - PDF FILE - SLOW DOWNLOAD
Click here for Campbell & Jameson Family History - Documents - BY EWL
Click here for Campbell Park, Pentwater & Vicinity, Michigan - History (new version) - BY EWL
Click here for Campbell Park, Pentwater & Vicintiy, Michigan - History (old verson) - BY EWL
Click here for Herkimer County, New York - by Emily Campbell Price [1901-1982] - PDF FILE - SLOW DOWNLOAD
Click here for Pentwater & Vicinity, Michigan - Photo Gallery - BY EWL
Click here for Twelve Scottist Baptist Ministers - BY EWL
Click here for Seven Disciples Ministers - Timeline 1881-1959 - BY EWL
Click here for Ames, Edward Scribner [1870-1958], professor & minister, Chicago, IL - PRAGMATISM CYBRARY
Click here for Ames, Polly Scribner [1908-1993], artist, Chicago, IL - UNIV. OF CHICAGO
Click here for Ames, Van Meter [1898-1985], professor, Cincinnati, OH - UNIV. OF CHICAGO
Click here for Benninger, Christopher Charles, architect & professor, Pune, India - WIKIPEDIA
Click here for Benninger Brown, Judith [1941-1993], activist, Gainesville, FL
Click here for Campbells from Auchindrain, Scotland - by Emily Campbell Price [1901-1982] - PDF FILE - SLOW DOWNLOAD
Click here for Campbell, Archibald [1845-1913], miller & senator, Toronto Junction, Ontario - BY EWL
Click here for Campbell, Douglas Argyle [1929-c2007], stock broker & playboy, Beverly Hills, CA - BY EWL
Click here for Campbell, Douglas Lloyd [1895-1995], premier, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Click here for Campbell, George Alexander [1869-1943], minister, St. Louis, MO
Click here for Campbell, Isaac [1853-1929], lawyer, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Click here for Campbell, Peter [1819-1915], farmer, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
Click here for Campbell Auer Wulff, Mary Evalyn [1912-1999], artist, Ladue, MO
Click here for Campbell Lollis, Georgia May [1901-1991], writer, Indianapolis, IN - BY EWL - WORD FILE - SLOW DOWNLOAD
Click here for Campbell Price, Emily Helen [1901-1982], genealogist, Vancouver, BC - BY EWL
Click here for Campbell Whitehead, Cleta Hope [1893-1999], Los Angeles, CA
Click here for Carter, Bruce Jameson [1935-2013], hospital administrator, Charleston, WV - FIND-A-GRAVE
Click here for Carter, Merlin Ingels [1904-1963], colonel, Eugene, OR - FIND-A-GRAVE
Click here for Carver Ingels, Mary [1831-1907], LaFayette, IL
Click here for De Guibert, Charles Louis [1860-1929], lawyer & farmer, Public Landing, MD
Click here for De Guibert Eberlein, Undena LaVergne Elizabeth [1881-1937], actress, Free Acres, NJ - EUREKA COLLEGE
Click here for Ingels, Gaar Austin [1922-2013], greenhouseman & accountant, Beaverton, OR
Click here for Ingels, Irvin [1859-1932], nurseryman, LaFayette, IL
Click here for Ingels, John B. [1852-1995], doctor, Meriden, IA
Click here for Ingels De Guibert, Mary [1862-1932] - Photos & Documents - BY EWL
Click here for Ingels De Guibert, Mary [1862-1932] - Timeline & Sources - BY EWL
Click here for Ingels De Guibert, Mary [1862-1932] - Selected Individuals - BY EWL
Click here for Ingels De Guibert, Mary [1862-1932] - Seven letters found in March 2014 - BY EWL
Click here for Ingels Jameson, Rosa Melinda [1849-1908], Des Moines, IA
Click here for Jameson, Robert Bruce [1841-1900], builder, Des Moines, IA - FIND-A-GRAVE
Click here for Jameson Campbell, Luna May [1869-1940], minister's wife, St. Louis, MO
Click here for Kinney, Charles Noyes [1869-1963], chemist, Des Moines, IA
Click here for Mears, Charles [1814-1895], lumber baron, Chicago, IL -WICKIPEDIA
Click here for Murphy, John Eccles [1806-1876], minister, Monmouth, OR
Click here for Owens, Harold J. [1916-2006], farmer, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba - OBITUARY
Click here for Pratt, John Butler [1920-2004], salesman, Hinckley, NY - FIND-A-GRAVE
Click here for Schmitt, Bernadotte Everly [1886-1969], historian, Alexandria, VA -WIKIPEDIA
Click here for Sinclair, Dugald [1777-1870], church elder, Lobo, Ontario - BY EWL
Click here for Smith family - New York, South Carolina & Ontario - by Emily Campbell Price [1901-1982] - PDF FILE - SLOW DOWNLOAD
Click here for Stearns, Justus [1845-1933], lumber baron, Ludington, MI - BY EWL
The End